Róisín Shortall: Questions over National Maternity Hospital and 'murky' new company's role

There are concerns that St Vincent’s Holdings will still be controlled by a religious ethos.
Róisín Shortall: Questions over National Maternity Hospital and 'murky' new company's role

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Róisín Shortall says there is a long list of unanswered questions over the new National Maternity Hospital and the “murky” new company involved.

The Social Democrat co-leader said she was “taken aback to hear that the Government intends to sign off the deed” in relation to the hospital at Cabinet today.

The lease for the new €800m National Maternity Hospital at St Vincent’s will now be 299 years in duration, not 149 as previously agreed, under plans to be approved by Cabinet. The memorandum to be tabled by Health Minister Stephen Donnelly will also see increased State representation on the hospital's board.

The site, which was owned by the Sisters of Charity religious order, has now been transferred to a holding company St Vincent’s Holdings (SVH). However, there are concerns this holding company will still be controlled by a religious ethos.

The Government has repeatedly said that the Sisters of Charity will have no input into the running or ethos of the hospital, and it is hoped that the lease timescale will ease critics' concerns.

Ms Shortall says SVH will set policy and control the hospital, despite the State owning the building, which is of serious concern as it is not known what procedures the hospital will carry out.

“This is about the promotion of Catholic influence in healthcare,” she said.

“I can't answer very fundamental questions about the new company that has been set up - St Vincent's Holdings. This is the successor company to the religious Sisters of Charity.

“The Sisters of Charity will hold the full entire shareholding. So there are endless questions about that company.

What is the rationale for handing that over to a private company? A private company that was only established recently and we know nothing or very little about.

“Why isn't the government just ensuring that this is a State hospital? It should be under State control if it's State property.”

 The former master of the hospital, Dr Peter Boylan set out many of his issues with the deal in a very substantial letter to the Government yesterday.

“Is the Taoiseach going to completely ignore that letter?” Ms Shortall asked. “Is he going to ignore these huge national issues, issues of national concern.” 

Ms Shortall said what should be happening is that the State should purchase or be gifted the site.

“When the minister talks about the State holding the hospital, what he means is that he's owning the building, the institution is still run by SVH and that's where the control is,” she said.

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