University of Limerick confers 'Irish Examiner' columnist Terry Prone with honorary doctorate

PR and communications pioneer Prone among four 'inspiring' individuals to receive the nod from UL today
University of Limerick confers 'Irish Examiner' columnist Terry Prone with honorary doctorate

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Irish Examiner columnist Terry Prone has been conferred with an honorary doctorate by the University of Limerick (UL).

Ms Prone was among four 'inspiring' individuals to receive the honour from UL on Wednesday.

Solicitor Michael Houlihan and two of UL’s founding professors, Professor Roy Hayhurst and Professor Evan Petty (posthumously) were also celebrated for their achievements in the worlds of science, law, and business.

Ms Prone, a pioneer of Ireland’s public relations and communications sector, received an honorary doctorate of letters.

Over the course of her career, Ms Prone has been an actor, writer, journalist, and an adviser to successive governments. 

She has written 30 books, served on numerous public service boards, and now runs her own communications consultancy.

She also writes a weekly opinion column for the Irish Examiner.

Terry Prone has been an actor, writer, journalist, and adviser to successive governments. Picture: True Media
Terry Prone has been an actor, writer, journalist, and adviser to successive governments. Picture: True Media

Ms Prone chairs the Communications Clinic, a company she founded with Tom Savage in 2008. 

Her firm has worked with some of the biggest brands in the world and has offered guidance to a line of Government ministers over the years. 

She worked with Enda Kenny, then taoiseach, on a crucial state-of-the-nation address he delivered in 2011.

UL chancellor Mary Harney, Pauline Petty, presented with a posthumous Honorary Doctorate of Science for her late husband Evan R Petty, Terry Prone, Roy Hayhurst, Honorary Doctor of Economic Science, and UL president Professor Kerstin Mey.  Picture: True Media
UL chancellor Mary Harney, Pauline Petty, presented with a posthumous Honorary Doctorate of Science for her late husband Evan R Petty, Terry Prone, Roy Hayhurst, Honorary Doctor of Economic Science, and UL president Professor Kerstin Mey.  Picture: True Media

The late Evan R Petty was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science. His wife Pauline Petty accepted the doctorate on his behalf.

Mr Petty had a distinguished research and academic record, combined with industrial experience.

He was well prepared for the challenge of designing the first degree programmes in engineering and applied science at the newly-established National Institute of Education in Limerick in the 1970s. 

Unlike many academics who are committed to research, Mr Petty was also noted for the quality of his teaching and served as the first director of quality of teaching and learning at the University of Limerick. 

He was an active member of the European Society for Education and Training of Engineers and was elected as its president in 1991.

Roy Hayhurst, conferred as an honorary doctor of economic science, with his partner Ann Lyons. 
Roy Hayhurst, conferred as an honorary doctor of economic science, with his partner Ann Lyons. 

Michael Houlihan was conferred as an Honorary Doctor of Laws. A solicitor, businessman, and civic leader, Mr Houlihan has been instrumental in developing both the Mid-West region and University of Limerick. 

He was the first Clare man to serve as president of the Law Society of Ireland and the driving force in transforming his small family law firm into a nationally-recognised practice with more than 50 staff.

His legacy lies in the dozens of projects across Limerick and Clare that would not have been possible without his expertise and dedication. Several of these are dotted around the UL campus. 

Between 2006 and 2014, during his term as chair of the UL Foundation, Mr Houlihan helped deliver more than a dozen major capital developments, including the Analog Devices Building, the Glucksman Library, and the Bernal Institute, a world-leading centre of science and engineering launched by then taoiseach Enda Kenny in November 2016.

Michael Houlihan is robed by Willie Phelan as he receives his honorary doctorate from the University of Limerick.
Michael Houlihan is robed by Willie Phelan as he receives his honorary doctorate from the University of Limerick.

Roy Hayhurst was bestowed with an honorary doctorate in economic science.

Mr Hayhurst's Bachelor of Business Studies graduates were selectively sought after by employers.  The programme’s academic standing was highlighted by the access links he built in New York with Fordham University’s MBA programme. 

At an early stage, the embryonic College of Business led the way in developing post-experience programmes for specialist sectors such as banking and An Garda Síochána. 

Later, under Mr Hayhurst's guidance, a new MBA programme and pioneering programmes in international education were launched.

In addition to his service and achievements at UL, Mr Hayhurst made a significant contribution to national education. 

He served as a member of the National Council for Educational Awards and Board of Studies and worked with many institutions in the roles of course accreditor and external examiner.

UL president Kerstin Mey presents robes to Pauline Petty with a posthumous Honorary Doctorate of Science for her late husband Evan R Petty. Picture: True Media
UL president Kerstin Mey presents robes to Pauline Petty with a posthumous Honorary Doctorate of Science for her late husband Evan R Petty. Picture: True Media

Speaking at the ceremony, UL President Professor Kerstin Mey said: “The bestowing of a UL honorary doctorate represents the opportunity to honour those who have inspired, and worked tirelessly to make great contributions in their fields of endeavour. 

"As a university proudly celebrating 50 years of making a difference, we honour individuals who have made unique and powerful contributions to this university and those who have made outstanding contributions and achievements in society.”

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