New passenger information systems are being installed in all train stations on the Cork commuter rail network in the latest phase of what is the largest-ever investment in the city’s suburban rail network.
The upgrades on the Cobh and Midleton lines will transform accessibility and the customer experience, Irish Rail said, with the installation of new dual language digital passenger information display screens, public address speakers, various help points, CCTV, and induction hearing loops.
Centrally controlled from the Mallow Crossing Control Centre, the digital displays will provide passenger information in Irish and English.
Some of the systems have already been installed at Little Island, Glounthaune, Carrigtwohill, Rushbrooke, Cobh, and Midleton but the works at Fota and Carrigaloe stations will be completed and fully commissioned over the coming weeks. Mallow Station is also in line for similar upgrades over the coming months.
The entire project is funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA) and is the latest in a series of massive investments proposed in the Cork Area Commuter Rail Programme - a key part of the €1bn CMATS public transport blueprint.
It is designed to deliver capacity for a 10-minute service frequency on the entire commuter rail network compared to the current 30-minute service. Last July, there was a doubling in the number of off-peak services from Cork to Cobh and Midleton.
But much more significant upgrades are coming down the tracks.
Enabling works for the Kent Station ‘through platform project’ to facilitate a high-frequency north-east connection through the city station, are due to start this summer, and be complete before the end of next year, when the train station will become a true multi-model integrated transport hub.
Plans to twin-track the Glounthaune to Midleton route are progressing, with a decision awaited from An Bord Pleanala on the ‘railway order’ submission. It’s hoped the work will be done by the third quarter of 2026.
New stations are also proposed at Blarney/Stoneview, at Monard, at Blackpool/Kilbarry, Tivoli, Dunkettle, Carrigtwohill West, Water Rock, and Ballynoe.