More than two thirds of schools apply for funding to install solar panels 

More than two thirds of schools apply for funding to install solar panels 

Solar With Provides (pv) Which Schools Photovoltaic Approximately To Roof Kilowatts To Scheme The Panels 6 Equates Solar Peak Mounted Up Of 14 Eligible Installations,

More than two thirds of all schools now either have solar panels installed on their roofs or have gone to tender for the project.

Since the launch of the first phase of the solar for schools programme in 2023, more than 1,100 schools have been approved for roof-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) panels.

More than 1,000 of these have since been installed in schools in 11 counties.

Since October, when the scheme was extended nationwide, more than 1,660 schools have now successfully entered the tender stage of the process.

Through the solar for schools programme, eligible schools are provided with a 6 kilowatt peak of roof-mounted solar PV, which equals approximately 14 solar panels.

The programme is wholly funded by the Government’s Climate Action Fund.

The scheme was initially signalled ahead of Budget 2023 when the Government announced €50m to pay for solar panels for the country’s 4,000 schools.

However, the Department of Education now said the exact budget for the scheme is not being released because it is “commercially sensitive”.

“This is because of the need to ensure that contractors deliver competitive quotes rather than basing them on the average funding available per school.” 

Solar for schools offers schools the opportunity to reduce carbon emissions and their energy costs, according to Minister for Education Norma Foley.

As part of public sector Climate Action targets, schools are expected to reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by 51% by 2030 and improve energy efficiency in the overall school sector by 50% by 2030.

Once installed, the solar PV panels in schools are connected to the electricity grid, so that solar energy can power other homes and businesses when schools are closed at weekends and during school holidays.

The typical amount a school can save will depend on a number of factors.

According to the Department of Education, a school with a 6 kW Solar PV installation could expect to save in the region of €1,200-1,600 per year on their bill, including credit for their electricity export.

The overall programme is estimated to see up to 24 megawatts of installed renewable energy provision on schools with associated savings in the region of €5.5m per year across 4,000 schools.


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