Irish-Palestinian father to be reunited with his two children after evacuation from Gaza

Irish-Palestinian father to be reunited with his two children after evacuation from Gaza

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The two children of an Irish-Palestinian man are currently en route to join him in Ireland after being evacuated from Gaza on Wednesday.

Khalid El Estal's two children, four-year-old Ali and one-year-old Sara, were included on an evacuation list and will travel to Egypt on Thursday.

Mr El Estal, who is based in Naas, Co Kildare, said his two young children will leave Gaza today with his brother-in-law who has an Irish visa and will accompany the children from Gaza to Ireland.

The children’s mother Ashwak died from injuries sustained during Israeli shelling of Gaza last month.

Mr El Estalk told RTÉ's Morning Ireland that the Department of Foreign Affairs had contacted him to tell him that the children were included on the list to leave today along with their uncle.

“I am really excited. I want to take care of them. That is the will of my wife,” he said.

“I hope they can be safe, you know, between travelling.” 

Mr El Estalk said his wife would always be in his heart and that he continued to send her WhatsApp messages telling her how beautiful Ireland was and how good people were to him when “everything happened.” 

She is with us, she is. I can feel her with me, all the time," he said.

A heavily pregnant woman, children and family groups were among 23 Irish citizens to have evacuated Gaza through the Rafah border on Wednesday.

A one-year-old is also among the 23 to have been evacuated.

“They're in good form, not all of them would have known each other but they're now bonding well at Rafah,” Mr Martin said in confirming the evacuations.

He hopes that other citizens who were also on the exit list, but may not have been able to make it to the Egyptian border crossing, will get out as early Thursday. Intensive work continues to get the remaining Irish passport holders out.

The 23 who have been evacuated will now be brought to Cairo, where they will receive medical attention if needed and other supports, including the arrangement of onward travel to Ireland.

“I'm very relieved personally that we've got Irish citizens through now because everyday you are worried in the bombardment of Gaza that people's lives are at risk, children's lives are at risk, Irish citizen's lives are at risk, so the sooner we get them out the better.

“We were concerned over the last 10 days. We're getting citizens out. So I'm relieved today, I'm sure they're very relieved. But we have more to get out and we have to continue to work on that," Mr Martin said.

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