They will also be the first to get involved in course related extracurricular activities and volunteer for additional projects. These experiences will have an enormous impact on securing employment or further studies, as external work and additional projects undertaken will differentiate them from their classmates.
College course titles can be misleading. Do not assume it will do as it says on the tin. At times, colleges use course titles that will attract students, so it is vital to delve into the focus and content of the course to ensure it will be suitable.
In secondary school, a very engaging teacher can completely sway a student’s perception of a subject. While this is wonderful for the students in the classroom, at times, a student selects a CAO course based on such a positive association with the teacher, rather than their genuine interest in the subject. Friends, family, etc, may also try to have undue influence, while they may have the best of intentions, the student needs to decide on the course that will suit them best.