Lab scientists vote to take industrial action over pay dispute

Lab scientists vote to take industrial action over pay dispute

With Medical "must Irish Scientists Without Issue Urgent " The Covid Picture: Pay Pa Delay Be Testing, 19 Who File Disparity Addressed Say Help The Association,

Irish medical scientists, who help carry out urgent Covid-19 testing, have voted to take industrial action if a long-standing pay dispute isn’t resolved.

The Medical Laboratory Scientists Association (MLSA) voted on the potential action at their AGM last weekend. 

The group represents 1,800 people employed across Health Services in Ireland.

MLSA Chairperson, Kevin O’Boyle, said members had voted to seek "a substantial pay increase" and that, if this is not achieved, the sector would take "industrial action — up to and including strike action."

Citing pay increases given to public sector health workers like laboratory aides and consultants in recent years, Mr O’Boyle said that "the pay disparity between medical scientists and other laboratory scientists must be addressed without delay."

Mr O'Boyle said: "The advancing role of lab diagnostics, increased responsibility, increased workloads and longstanding challenges in recruitment and retention, urgently require pay issues to be addressed.”   

MLSA General Secretary Terry Casey said early engagement was needed with the HSE, Department of Health, and the Department of Expenditure and Public Reform. 

Mr Casey said, following the MLSA AGM, his union now had a strong mandate to escalate to full industrial action, if necessary.

He said: “This long-running pay dispute requires immediate resolution to avoid widespread disruption to laboratory diagnostic services as we enter the winter flu season, and with the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to cause grave concern."

The pay dispute among medical scientists dates back to 2002 and involves a claim for pay parity with other professionals working in the sector - namely, biochemistry lab staff. 

Medical scientists say they carry out identical work, with the same responsibilities, and yet are paid on average 8% less.

The MLSA is demanding full pay parity with biochemists and, is seeking the creation of a consultant grade for medical scientists — similar to the existing consultant grade that already exists for biochemists.

The group says that there is a significant national shortage of medical scientists across the public health service - with up to 130 posts currently unfilled - and that inferior pay and conditions, poor career structure, and limited promotional opportunities were the major reasons for this. 

“The Covid-19 pandemic, and the requirement to provide urgent additional testing capacity in all hospital laboratories, have turned an already difficult situation into an emergency," Mr Casey said.

"This now needs to be addressed with urgency,” he added.

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