Cabinet has agreed to move Ireland to Level Three Covid-19 restrictions in an attempt to curb the rising Covid-19 cases and in defiance of the National Public Health Emergency Team's (Nphet) advice to raise lockdown limits to Level Five.
These measures will come into effect from midnight tomorrow.
Taoiseach Micheál Martin will later make a TV address explaining the new restrictions.
Earlier today the Government rejected a call to move the country to Level 5 Covid-19 restrictions.
The decision followed a meeting between the government party leaders and the Chief Medical Officer Dr Tony Holohan at Government Buildings.
Government sources have confirmed that instead of moving to Level 5 as requested, Level 3 restrictions will be introduced across the entire country.
The sources also said there will be stricter enforcement of the measures laid out in the plan for living with the virus.
The full Cabinet will meet at 5.30pm to discuss the plan.
There has been considerable consternation from some ministers that the decision was taken before a full cabinet meeting was held.
One minister told the
that the choice to publicly go against public health advice was “unprecedented”.“Stephen [Health Minister Stephen Donnelly] has gone against his public health experts,” they said, describing the move as “very, very risky.”
The National Public Health Emergency Team (Nphet) on Sunday recommended that the whole country be moved to the highest level of restrictions in the Government’s Covid-19 roadmap amid concern over the spread of the disease and rising numbers in hospitals.
In a letter sent by Nphet to the Health Minister on Sunday, seen by The
it warned of a “significant and deteriorating” epidemiological situation.“Nphet advises that it is vital to do everything in our power now (now is underlined in letter) to arrest the current trajectory nationally and suppress the virus back down to a low level of transmission in advance of the winter months.”
Visitors to private homes and gardens should be limited to a maximum number of 6 from one other household.
No social/family gatherings should take place, with exemptions to this for weddings and funerals (see below).
No organised indoor gatherings should take place. Organised outdoor gatherings are permitted, up to a maximum of 15 people.
People should remain in their county (i.e. they must not leave to travel either domestically or internationally), with the exception of those who must travel for work, education and other essential purposes.
People are asked to work from home unless absolutely necessary.
Schools, Early Learning and Childcare services should remain open. Adult and Higher Education Institutions should remain open, but are asked to review protective measures and take steps to limit congregation as much as possible.
You are asked to walk or cycle where possible so that public transport is available for use by essential workers and for essential work only.
No matches or other sporting events should take place, with the exception of professional, elite, inter county and senior club championship – all to take place behind closed doors.
Horse racing may continue, but behind closed doors.
Non-contact training activities can continue in the outdoors and in pods of up to 15, with certain exemptions (see below).
Indoor training should be confined to individuals only and no classes are to take place.
All retail shops and shopping centres may remain open. All services such as hairdressers, beauticians, barbers, opticians etc. may remain open with strict adherence to sectoral guidance on protective measures.
All outdoor playgrounds, play areas, parks remain open.
Gyms/leisure centres, swimming pools may remain open for individual use only and with protective measures.
Hotels, Guesthouses and B&Bs may remain open, but with services limited to residents.
Restaurants and Cafes (including bars/pubs serving food/wet pubs) may remain open for take-away and delivery and outdoor dining/service to an absolute maximum of 15 people. Wet pubs in Dublin remain closed.
Libraries will be available for e-services and call and collect.
All indoor museums, galleries, cinemas and other cultural attractions should close.
Religious services will move online, though places of worship may remain open for private prayer.