Protecting health, strengthening employment and supporting communities are the three main pillars in the Government's medium-term Covid plan.
Launching the plan, which is aimed to steer the country through the next six to nine months, Taoiseach Micheál Martin said the measures would renew social, economic and cultural life.
Ireland is currently at level two, however Dublin will be subject to further restrictions because of a spike in cases.
Mr Martin said education is one of the main priorities and schools will remain open at all five levels of the plan.
The Government has also decided to adopt the European Commission proposals on travel, which would see countries colour-coded red, amber or green depending on risk.
But some of the biggest changes come in the areas of sports, where spectators will now be permitted, and the reopening of cultural events including music gigs.
Mr Martin said: “The absence of live arts and culture events has reminded us again how important they are to us as a people, creativity has never been as important. We understand the huge impact, which has been felt by all who work in the arts sector."
The comprehensive plan sets restrictions on sectors, social gatherings and events as detailed below:
Level 1: People will be allowed to have up to 10 visitors from up to three households over to their homes.
Level 2: Visitors from one other household only or up to six visitors from two or three other households will be allowed. The exact details will be dependent on health advice at the time. Members of different households can continue to meet socially in other settings where up up to six people indoors and 15 outdoors will be allowed.
Level 3: Visitors from one other household only or your own household only depending on advice at the time will be permitted. There will be no social gatherings outside the home.
Level 4: Own household only - no visitors allowed.
Level 5: Same as level 4
Level 1: Up to 100 people
Level 2: Up to 50 people
Level 3: Up to 25 people
Level 4: Six guests only
Level 5: Six guest only
Level 1: For most venues, a maximum of 100 people will be able attend indoors, this increases to 200 outdoors.
Up to 200 patrons will be allowed for larger venues where strict two-metre seated social distancing and one-way controls for entry and exit can be implemented. This will again increase to 500 for outdoor events.
Special and specific guidance will be given to the largest events and venues.
Level 2: Up to 50 patrons will be permitted and in pods or groups of up to six if appropriate, with arrangements to ensure no intermingling of groups. Up to 100 patrons will be permitted for larger venues where strict two-metre seated social distancing and one-way controls for entry and exit can be implemented. Up to 100 patrons are permitted for the majority of venues.
Up to 200 patrons for outdoor stadia or other fixed outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000 will get the go-ahead.
Level 3: All indoor events will be cancelled. Outdoor events can allow up to 15 people to attend.
Level 4: Same as level 3
Level 5: No indoor or outdoor events allowed
Level 1: Normal training sessions and games can take place indoors and outdoors with protective measures. A maximum of 100 spectators will be allowed to attend indoor games and 200 people for outdoor matches.
Up to 500 spectators will be permitted for outdoor stadia or other fixed outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000. There may be some wiggle room for large national and international sporting events and specific guidance will be given on these events. Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools can open.
Level 2: Outdoors training can take place in pods of up to 15 and this will be limited to six people when training indoors Matches and events up to 100 spectators outdoors and 50 patrons indoors will be allowed. This will increase to up to 200 for outdoor venues with a minimum accredited capacity of 5,000. For very large purpose built event facilities specific guidance will be developed. Gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools to remain open.
Level 3: Non contact training only in pods of up to 15 will be allowed outdoors. While indoors it will be limited to individual training only. No matches or events to take place. Gyms and swimming pools will be open for individual training only.
Level 4: The same restrictions on training and matches will apply, however, gyms, leisure centres and pools will close.
Level 5: Individual training only, no matches and gyms, leisure centres and pools will remain closed
Level 1: 50 worshipers will be allowed. However, larger churches will be able to increase this with multiple separated sub-groupings of no more than 50.
Level 2: Same as level 1 for religious services and up to 50 mourners at a funeral.
Level 3: Services will move online. Places of worship remain open for private prayer. Up to 25 mourners will be allowed to attend funerals.
Level 4: Same as level 3
Level 5: Only 10 mourners allowed at funerals.
Level 1: Open with protective measures in place. This will include physical distancing, table service only, cleaning regimes and noise controls. Nightclubs, discos and casinos will remain closed.
Level 2: Same as level 1
Level 3: Additional restrictions will be introduced.
Level 4: Pubs and restaurants will only be allowed have a maximum of 15 people outside. There will be no indoor dining.
Level 5: Takeaway or delivery only.
Level 1: Open
Level 2: Open
Level 3: Open but services limited to residents.
Level 4: Open but only for existing guests and those with essential non-social and non-tourist purposes.
Level 5: Open only for those with essential non-social and non-tourist purposes.
Level 1: Open
Level 2: Open
Level 3: Open but specific guidelines will be provided.
Level 4: Essential retail and businesses that are primarily outdoors only can remain open. All other retail and personal services will be closed.
Level 5: Only essential retail will be allowed to open.
Level 1: Work from home if possible.
Level 2: Work from home if possible.
Level 3: Work from home unless absolutely necessary to attend in person.
Level 4: Same as level 3.
Level 5: Work from home unless it is for working in health, social care or other essential service and cannot be done from home.
Level 1: No restrictions.
Level 2: No restrictions.
Level 3: Stay in your county (or other defined geographical area) apart from work, education and other essential purposes, if appropriate.
Level 4: Same as level 3
Level 5: People will only be allowed travel 5km from their homes.
Level 1: Open
Level 2: Open
Level 3: Schools and creches will remain open with protective measures. But further, higher and adult education will be asked to escalate all appropriate protective measures and limit congregation as far as possible.
Level 4: Same as level 3.
Level 5: Open with restrictions.
Level 1: Face coverings must be worn and capacity will be limited on public transport. People will be asked to walk or cycle or travel during off-peak hours if possible.
Level 2: Public are advised to wear face masks and only use public transport if necessary. Public transport capacity will be limited to 50% and peak hours for essential workers and essential purposes only.
Level 3: Same as level 2.
Level 4: Public transport capacity will be restricted to 25%.
Level 5: Same as level 4.
The Government has provided the same guidance for all levels. They say that those aged over 70 years and over and the medically vulnerable should exercise judgement regarding the extent to which they engage with others and in activities outside home. Specific guidance will be issued.
Level 1: Open with restrictions
Level 2: Open with restrictions
Level 3: Visits Suspended, aside from critical and compassionate circumstances.
Level 4: Same as level 3.
Level 5: Same restrictions continue.