Ireland's approach to stopping the spread of Covid-19 is "probably not working", according to a public health expert.
Professor Anthony Staines, who lectures in health systems at DCU, said gardaí need to be given stronger powers to shut down gatherings where there is a risk of viral spread.
He said the HSE's full capacity of 15,000 tests a day should be fully used.
Professor Staines also said he is very worried after seeing footage recorded at Berlin D2 on Dame Lane in Dublin city.
"We had 200 cases yesterday which was a serious warning to us.
"I mean the question is then is what to do about it.
"We have a policy at the moment which is probably not working.
"We have seen some bizarre episodes. We saw the pouring of the vodka in the Dublin bar last night.
"And That's the kind of thing that will spread the virus," said Professor Staines.
The DCU professor's comments follow Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronan Glynn's warning against public recklessness undermining Ireland's response to Covid-19.
The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) are meeting tomorrow to discuss the surging coronavirus cases.
Dr Glynn said: "NPHET will meet tomorrow to review and discuss the case figures that have been reported in recent days and will make any necessary recommendations to Government which are required to protect the vulnerable, continue with the resumption of healthcare services and ensure the safe reopening of our schools.
"The phased reopening of the country has afforded people the opportunity to socialise with each other again.
"However, some are doing this recklessly and undermining the efforts of the majority of people around the country who are following public health advice.