Hundreds of homeowners will not lose part of their gardens under new BusConnects plans.
Many trees that were to be cut down so roads could be widened have also been spared.
To make room for 16 bus corridors under the controversial BusConnects plans, roads had to be widened.
This initially meant that mature trees were being cut down and up to 1,400 homeowners were going to lose part of their front gardens.
The NTA has reviewed more than 13k public submissions and has now revised the plans.
They have reduced the number of homes whose gardens will be impacted by 42 percent.
Up to 90 percent of the trees that were to be cut down on Baggot Street and Pembroke Road have been saved.
Instead, the plan will see more one-way systems for private motorists, rerouting segregated cycle tracks and making more roads bus-only.
The second round of public consultation for the revised plans opens today.