, a film inspired by legendary cowboy Buck Brannaman, was directed by Robert Redford, who also played the title role. Brannaman ministered to ‘horses with people problems’ by whispering to them.
The film was a box-office success — although one critic thought it ‘too eager to tug at the heart-strings’. Trainers, however, rubbished the idea that a horse as traumatised as the one depicted in the film could be rehabilitated using a ‘talking cure’. Encouraging people to approach problem horses so closely, they argued, was irresponsible.
In a paper just published, researchers at the University of Copenhagen argue that cross-species communication between hoofed animals is real. Their study focused on horses and pigs.
- Anne-Laure Maigrot et al. Cross-species discrimination of vocal expression of emotional valence by Equidae and Suidae. BCM Biology. 2022