Letter to the Editor: We have lost a real Irish hero with the death of John Hume

Letter to the Editor: We have lost a real Irish hero with the death of John Hume
John Hume pictured on a rooftop overlooking Derry's Bogside in 1970

We have lost a real Irish hero with the passing of John Hume.

He never killed anyone for his cause. He never encouraged others to do likewise. 

He never endorsed violence as the road to peace. 

He was steadfast in his belief that the road to peace was only through dialogue, breaking down barriers and building bridges.

His strength was his words. That old adage of the word being mightier than the sword surely is apt.

Throughout the most toxic period of Irish history, he stood up for peace. 

He never wavered, although at times he looked spent, he always rallied for another speech or round of negotiations.

If we had honours in Ireland such as a knighthood then surely John Hume would be the ultimate knight, one to command respect at the most exalted and honourable of round tables.

Jim Yates

Old Bawn

Dublin 24

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