Minimum wage rises by 80c per hour from January 1

About 200,000 workers will benefit from the increase, which will add about €1,600 to a full-time worker's annual earnings before tax
Minimum wage rises by 80c per hour from January 1

By New A Of 2026 Increase Wage, 60% Living Moves To National Closer The Worth January Earnings Median

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) has said progress must be made towards a national living wage in 2025, as the current minimum wage rises by 80c per hour to €13.50 from Wednesday.

About 200,000 workers will benefit from the increase, which will add about €1,600 to a full-time worker's annual earnings before tax. The increase moves closer to a new national living wage, worth 60% of median earnings by January 2026.

Ictu general secretary Owen Reidy said momentum must be maintained by the new government to meet the agreed target in 12 months. "The national minimum wage turns 25 in 2025," he said. 

"Doomsayers predicted when it was first introduced in 2000, and every year the rate goes up, that it will bankrupt businesses and cost jobs. They were wrong then, and they are wrong now.”

In September, small and medium-sized business representative body Isme said the way in which changes to the minimum wage were considered must change given the fact 48% of the workforce are employed by the public service or multinationals, which enjoy far higher wages than other workers. 

Isme wants public sector pay to be disregarded from future calculations and said future increases should not exceed the consumer price index.

"Trade unions have never denied sector-specific challenges and that some businesses will have further to travel than others," Mr Reidy said. 

"Vulnerable but viable businesses should be supported. But those business supports should be targeted, time-limited and agreed through dialogue with the social partners. Workers cannot be left to pick up the bill for reducing the cost of doing business."

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