Gardaí and engineers will be monitoring Cork's Dunkettle interchange all weekend as it prepares to go fully free-flow to traffic for the first time.
Six new link roads built as part of the €215m interchange overhaul are due to open to traffic, and all remaining sets of traffic lights will be switched off from early Sunday morning at the junction which handles up to 110,000 vehicles a day.
The changes will have an initial direct impact on an estimated 40,000 vehicle movements a day.
Enabling works, which began on Thursday, are continuing round the clock to ensure that all six new link roads can open within a few hours of each other as planned early on Sunday.
Engineers have warned of some initial increased journey times through the interchange roundabout while these enabling works are being progressed.
They said once the new link roads have been opened, and motorists become familiar with the new routes through the interchange, it should result in faster journey times for all.
The link roads due to open to traffic from Sunday include:
- Link B - a new free-flow link for motorists on the N40 South Ring Road using the tunnel northbound heading for Cork city. It will be used by about 6,000 vehicles a day.
- Link F - for motorists coming from Cork city on the N8/N25 eastbound and who want to access the Jack Lynch tunnel. It will be used by about 7,000 vehicles a day.
- Link J - for motorists on the N25 westbound who want to access Little Island. It is expected to accommodate more than 1,000 vehicles a day.
- Link K - a new free-flow link for N25 westbound traffic wishing to access the Jack Lynch tunnel. It will carry over 16,000 vehicles per day. It is opening with a temporary alignment.
- Link L - a new access to Link K from Little Island, which will cater for Little Island traffic wishing to access the tunnel. It will carry over 6,000 vehicles a day.
- Link M - for Little Island traffic wishing to access the N25 westbound, which will carry about 3,000 vehicles a day. It is also opening with a temporary alignment.
Motorists have been asked to plan their journeys through the interchange in advance and allow additional time, particularly at peak times.
A spokesman for the project team said it will be monitoring all changes live over the weekend and will adjust plans as may be required in order to minimise any impacts on traffic. “However, some impact is inevitable given the scale and complexity of the works being undertaken,” a spokesman said.
One minor issue arose on Thursday night when weather conditions prevented the complete blocking out of some sections of existing road signs. But measures to rectify this are continuing and should be complete by Saturday.