The Skelligs
"The Skelligs are one of the most iconic parts of the whole West of Ireland. They were inspirational enough to draw Hollywood directors to Co Kerry and continue to provide a jaw-dropping landscape through the camera or just the naked eye. I had wanted to shoot these for quite some time however I did not want just any sort of day. I needed wind, I wanted large swell and luckily on this particular day, I got my chance. It was a typical Irish spring day of sunshine and showers. I love those days, the light is good, there is drama and for a scene like this, I wanted the light hitting the Skelligs. It helped to illuminate them and create some definitions. Timing it was the trickiest, I must of taken over 400 shots just to get the right one where the wave broke nicely in the foreground while also getting some light on the rocks themselves. It is still one of my proudest images to date."